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December 17, 2011

Old Spice Deodorant Coupon Trip

So i did this shopping trip awhile ago and i wrote about it in my Journal but i am STILL talking about it so i figured i should blog about it too.. :)
My wonderful husband is VERY brand specific which for couponing is NOT ideal. But since i know the feeling of you like what you like, i work with it.  He uses Old Spice body wash and deodorant. We'll stick to the of the deodorant facts since that's what i bought.
At Walmart you can buy  (these are online prices)
*Twin pack for $4.47 that's about 2.24 a piece
*3 Pack for 7.68 which is 2.56 a piece
* or a single for 3.97
Just with that information ALONE you can tell it is of better value to buy the twin pack...  BUT with coupons you want to buy the single item. Because when you are buying the twin pack you are getting 2 products but they are being scanned as 1, so you can only use 1 coupon.
Smiths had a sale a while back that had their Old Spice deodorant marked WAY DOWN ( down far enough i would have bought it WITHOUT the coupon)  and i had a buy 1 get 1 coupon. I ended up buying 10 deodorants and spending $7.70 that was WITH tax!! That is .77cents EACH!!!

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